The Newport String Project is currently enrolling new students (elementary through high school) interested in violin, viola or cello lessons!

Thank you for your interest in the Newport String Project’s youth mentoring programs!

Our robust educational programs are offered at no cost to families to ensure access for families who might face financial or other social barriers to accessing an opportunity like this.

While all youth resident in Newport County are welcome to apply, NSP currently gives Waiting List priority to

  • students enrolled in after-school care at the MLK Center

  • students at MET High School

  • siblings of current students

  • students recommended to NSP through a community partner

NSP has an enrolment period in the fall and in January. During the school year, a time slot may open up with a specific teacher and that slot will then be offered to someone on the waitlist. If that time is not a good fit for the family, they will remain at the top of the list until a suitable time slot opens up.

Please click THIS LINK to join the Waiting List!

If you have any further questions, please contact Santiago at santiago[at]newportstringproject[dot]org