As the conditions of a pandemic set in, we immediately launched into discussion around some core questions: How do we keep up strong connections with our students without face-to-face learning? How can we keep fostering musical imagination in isolating times? With these new barriers, how can we continue to break barriers down?

One idea tackling these on-going, complex questions was Doorstep Duos: A chance for many of our students to play pieces alongside their mentors, outside their homes and socially distanced. Jacob and Ealain, with the help of Jessenia and her documenting expertise, traveled to the homes of nearly ten students and were able to perform together after what had felt like months.


Family members tuned in, and what was created due to abnormal circumstances suddenly found a thread of normalcy — Student and teacher, bonded through musical performance, with the involvement of loved ones and community members.


The multi-faceted questions facing youth arts organizations like NSP are nowhere near solved, and we are reminded every day to think creatively as we adapt to new information. Looking forward into this next season though, we will not forget the memories made through Doorstep Duos, and the willingness of NSP students and families to stay committed to shared goals.


 Full video of Doorstep Duos can be found below: